
Not enough power!

The closer I come to finishing this gauge, the more I am baffled by the problems I keep encountering.

It doesn't happen very often, but while I'm flying all my gauges flicker and my beloved HSI just freezes, requiring me to quit the simultator, unplug the FIP and then plug it back in in order to reset it. I think it is related to my custom gauge as the default attitude indicator carried on working after the flicker.

I have discovered that this seems to be a power issue; I just don't have enough power coming from my USB hub in order to provide all my Saitek Panels with enough power - plugging my FIP into the computer directly seems to have solved the problem, so hopefully I should have something for you to download soon!

Because of the various issues I've had along the way, however, I have decided to release my gauges in full, cut-down and minimal forms, so that if you should find that a gauge is using too much of your computer's power you can switch to something a little less complex.

Just doing the VSI and Turn Coordinator parts and I'll upload it for you all to try :)

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